History of Courtaulds. An account of the origin and rise of the industrial enterprise of Courtaulds Ltd and its associate, the American Viscose Corp






Authoritative history written by a serving executive of the firm. Has chapters: 'The Huguenots - the flight from France'; 'George Courtauld - entry into the silk trade'; 'Samuel Courtauld - founding a business'; 'Samuel Courtauld - crape brings prosperity'; 'Last of the first partners - crape becomes the fashion'; 'New men and new materials from crepe to crepe de Chine'; 'The scientists at Kew - the Viscose Spinning Syndicate produces 'Stearn Silk'; 'Tetley, Latham and Johnson - risk, failure and success with artificial silk at Coventry'; 'The American Viscose Co - Samuel Courtauld's found the new industry in the United States'; 'Courtaulds Ltd - Viscose proves to be the most efficient artificial silk process'; 'Tetley's closing years - the Great War and after'; 'Samuel Salvage - the American Viscose Corp retains its leadership and artificial silk becomes Rayon'; 'The Rayoneers - fashion and expansion in the nineteen twenties'; 'The Rayoneers - Courtaulds pioneer the manufacture and use of staple fibre'