West Riding Wool Textile Industry, 1770-1835. A study of fixed capital formation


  • Name Production of goods & services - methods & organisation
  • Name Power & fuel history
  • Name Finance of production & trade




Draws on the writer's doctoral thesis 'West Riding Wool Textile Industry, 1780-1835. A study of fixed capital formation' DPhil, York University, 1970. Traces the transition of industry from domestic manufacture to factory production - growth in number and size of mills; relative importance of water and steam power; use of new manufacturing techniques; amount of capital consumed in this transformation; with an emphasis on calculating the fixed capital stock. Has sections: 'From the domestic to the factory system'; 'Development of the size and design of wool textile mills'; 'Generation of power'; 'Millwright and clockmakers' work'; 'Valuation of fixed capital stock'; 'Sources of fixed capital finance'. Has extensive appendices: 1] Yorkshire woollen & worsted mills, 1774-1835' [pp206-39]; 2] 'Yorkshire woollen and worsted mills included in the 1835 Factory Returns' [pp240-75]; 'The meaning and reliability of insurance valuations of Yorkshire wool textile mills' [pp276-301]; 4] 'Fixed capital calculations' [pp302-15]