History of The Distillers Company, 1877-1939. Diversification and growth in whisky and chemicals


  • Name Acquisition, takeover, merger, etc, activity exc competition issues
  • Name Competition, collusion, monopoly & cartels inc competition policy & regulation
  • Name Marketing inc brand & product development, distribution, etc
  • Name Diversification strategies
  • Name Business interest representation & co-operation





Not a commissioned history - and completed after the firm lost its independent existence in the mid 1980s - but the writer was given unprecedented access to the firm's archives to 1939. Informed by the writer's doctoral thesis on Scottish distilling. In three parts, viz: 1] 'The Torphichen Street Leviathan' - 'Continuous distillation and the coffee still', 'Problems of ascendancy. Trade associations and the formation of the Distillers Co 1856-1877', 'Distillers Co and the process of amalgamation 1877-81', 'The whisky problem and the United Kingdom Distillers' Association 1878-88', 'Development of the Distillers' Co 1878-95', 'The capitalist and the chemist. Yeast making and marketing 1881-1917', 'The most discreditable chapter in the history of the whisky trade - Pattisons Ltd', 'The Torphichen Street Leviathan', 'Modernisation and modernity. The Distillers Co, 1914-18; 2] 'The Distillers Co and the big three' - 'DCL and the bid three achievement of amalgamation 1909-15', ''Beginning of bigger things' 1915-18', ''The altered circumstances of the trade' 1919-24', 'The making of an amalgamation', 'Management and the Distillers Co - how palsied was the 'visible hand'?', ''Capone was a poacher' - marketing in hard times 1919-39'; 3] 'From the whisky age to the alcohol age. The diversification of the Distillers Co, 1900-39' - 'Power alcohol', 'The great dictator? DCL and industrial alcohol 1918-45', 'Chemicals 1 - finding a route to solvents', 'Chemicals 2 - encirclement - Union Carbide to the rescue?', 'Risk versus rewards. DCL's diversification strategy 1900-39'