British Lead Mining Industry


  • Name Finance of production & trade
  • Name Production of goods & services - methods & organisation
  • Name Management practices
  • Name Joint stock company & limited liability structures
  • Name Worker / employee welfare inc working conditions, compensation, etc
  • Name Worker / employee wages & remuneration
  • Name Workers / employee & work, women & men





Authoritative history of the industry from the 17th century to c1914. Chapters include: 1] 'Introduction' - 'lead mining and British industrial development from the seventeenth century' / 'Mineralisation and the consequences for mining' / 'The mining districts'; 2] 'Mineral ownership and the arrangements for mining' - 'The mineral owners' / 'Arrangements for working the minerals' / 'The income of the mineral owners' / 'Tithes and rates'; 3] 'Organisation and finance of the mining companies - the eighteenth century' - 'Sources of capital in the eighteenth century' / 'Organisation of the mines - the partnership system' / 'The cost book system'; 4] 'Organisation and finance of the mining companies - the nineteenth century' - 'Sources of capital in the nineteenth century' / 'Joint stock organisation' / 'The capital market' / 'The profitability of mining'; 5] 'Mine management' - 'The managers' / 'Technical training'; 6] 'Organisation of the labour force' - 'Earnings' / 'Other sources of income' / 'Standards of living' / 'Health and fitness' / 'Occupational and geographical mobility'; 7] 'The sale of ore and the price of smelted metal' - 'The sale of ore' / 'Influences on the price of ore' / 'Transport costs' / 'Smelting costs' / 'Refining costs' / 'The price of lead'; 8] 'Lead manufacture and consumption' - 'Methods of manufacture' / 'Sectors of consumption'. Appendices hold extensive analysis of output [lead, silver, zinc], imports / exports, distribution of zinc production in 1881, silver prices, 1729-1828; etc. Also numerous tables and graphs