Private Enterprise and Public Intervention. The Courtaulds experience


  • Name Government intervention exc legislation & regulation





Written by a leading UK businessman and career executive at Courtaulds where he started as a junior economist and ended up as Finance Director, 1961-70. His purpose in writing the book was threefold: 'first to examine the development of Courtaulds, largely from 1962 onwards, the objectives which management were seeking to attain and the methods adopted; secondly to examine government policies and actions during these years as they impinged upon the company, the apparent purposes which these were intended to serve and the methods adopted; and finally to analyse the interaction between these two'. Structured in two parts: Part 1: 'The growth of Courtaulds' - 'The search for a strategyy' / 'Some textile industry characteristics' / 'A vertical fibre-textile group' / 'The management system'; Part 2: 'Courtaulds and the government' - 'Government and the textile industry' / 'Government and Courtaulds - specific interventions' / 'Government - response to general policies' / 'Government - the effect on Courtaulds' / 'The public interest'