Money, Mania and Markets. Investment, company formation and the stock exchange in nineteenth century Scotland


  • Name Capital and money markets, etc
  • Name Joint stock company & limited liability structures
  • Name Investors & investor behaviour





See the writer's 'Scottish Stock Exchanges in the Nineteenth Century', PhD, Aberdeen, 1979. Explains and describes the development of the stockbroking profession and its associated institutions - notably stock exchanges at Aberdeen, Dundee, Edinburgh and Glasgow - in Scotland in the 19th century, charting the course of this especially as affected by speculative mania. Also considers its wider importance to Scottish economic development and to investment and company formation. Structured in five parts: 1] 'Birth of the profession, 1700-1830'; 2] 'Spread of the market, 1830-40' including consolidation of joint stock enterprise; 3] 'Formation of the stock exchanges, 1840-50'; 4] 'The profession and its institutions, 1850-1900' including functions and operations; 5] 'Investment and the Scottish share market, 1820-1914'