Bank of England, 1891-1944






Official history of the Bank of England, 1891-1944, commissioned from a leading banking historian and economist. Volumes 1-2 provided a narrative history largely of the bank's role as a central bank; one contains a short section on domestic issues. Volume 3 comprises 42 appendices which the writer has endeavoured to present as 'a substantial addition to the documentation of British monetary history' including reprinted memorandum and texts but excluding substantially tables of statistics. The latter, however, include: profit position, 1890-1939; Bank Rate changes, 1890-1939; gold and foreign exchange holdings, 1925-31. The former include: an account by Sir John Clapham of the 1914 financial crisis; general principals of central banking;1921; evidence of the Bank to the Macmillan Committee, 1929-31; negotiations re currency stabilisation, 1933; and a great deal more