Imperial Chemical Industries. A history. Volume 1. The forerunners, 1870-1926


  • Name Government intervention exc legislation & regulation





Commissioned scholarly history from a leading professional business historian. Deals with the emergence and growth of the major constituents that merged in 1926 to form Imperial Chemical Industies Ltd [ICI Ltd], viz: Brunner, Mond & Co Ltd, United Alkali Co Ltd; British Dyestuffs Corp Ltd; and Nobel Industries Ltd. Arranged in six parts, viz: 1] Dynamite and soda, 1860-1880'; 2] 'World markets - the limitation of competition, 1880-1907; 3] 'Before the War'; 4] 'The Great War'; 5] The Foundation of ICI, 1918-26'; Appendices include detailed analysis of Nobel Industries and Brunner, Mond. Chapters include: a] 'Consolidation of Brunner, Mond and the formation of the United Alkali Co Ltd, 1881-91'; b] 'British Dyestuffs - the state as company promoter, 1914-19'; c] 'Brunner, Mond at war, 1914-19'; d] 'Nobel's transformed, 1914-19'; e] Brunner, Mond in the twenties' ; f] 'Nobel Industries under McGowan'; g] 'British Dyestuffs - the struggle for survival, 1919-26'. Also significant references to: British Dynamite Co Ltd; Chilworth Gunpowder Co Ltd; Joseph Crosfield & Sons Ltd; Explosives Trades Ltd; Kynoch Ltd; Levinstein Ltd; New Explosives Co Ltd; Nobel Dynamite Trust Co Ltd; Synthetic Ammonia & Nitrates Ltd