Competition and Monopoly in the British Soap Industry


  • Name Competition, collusion, monopoly & cartels inc competition policy & regulation





Written by an economist and provides a study of oligopoly. Structured in two parts, viz: 1] 'Price and output formation in manufacturing industry' which provides a theoretical examination of competition and price determination; 2] 'The British soap and detergents industry' which provides an empirical examination with a substantial historical perspective. The latter has chapters: 'The soap industry - nature of the product, demand and process of production'; 'The soap industry in the nineteenth century'; 'The Lever combination movement, 1906-21'; 'The soap industry with one dominant seller'; 'The thirties - national oligopoly in the soap industry'; 'The soap industry in the post war period I - soapless detergents'; 'The soap industry in the post war period II - innovation and effective competition in the soap and detergent industry'