The Diamond Ring. Business, politics and precious stones in South Africa, 1867-1947


  • Name Competition, collusion, monopoly & cartels inc competition policy & regulation
  • Name Marketing inc brand & product development, distribution, etc





Scholarly business and political history of the South African diamond industry, notably production and marketing; the development of monopoly control through the Diamond Ring underpinned by London merchants and South African producers; role of South African government; etc. Covers Anglo American Corp; Barnarto Bros and family; Consolidated Diamond Mines of South West Africa Ltd; notably De Beers Consolidated Mines Ltd; Diamond Syndicate / Diamond Corp; Oppenheimer family; Wernher Beit & Co. Structured in three parts, viz: Part 1] 'Ownership and governance, 1867-89' - 'Diggers' democracy' / 'Miners' oligarchy' / 'Company consolidation'; Part 2] 'From monopoly to cartel, 1890-1919' - 'Production and marketing , De Beers Consolidated Mines and the Diamond Syndicate' / 'A colonial company - growth and diversification' / 'Monopoly challenged, Premier (Transvaal), German South West Africa' / 'Diamonds in wartime'; Part 3] 'Intervention and accommodation, 1920-45' - 'A edge into the syndicate' / 'Alluvial mining' / 'Crisis and reconstruction' / 'Strategic mineral'. Extensive statistical / financial appendices, notably re De Beers