London Marine Insurance, 1438-1824. Risk, trade and the modern state


  • Name Risk taking, risk management & other issues [currently subject to editing]
  • Name Government intervention exc legislation & regulation




See also the writer's doctoral thesis 'Origins and Development of London Marine Insurance, 1547-1824', Cambridge, 2014. Deals with the evolution of marine insurance institutions and organisation; state sponsored initiatives of 16th century; the impact of Lloyds of London; the financial context including risk issues; contribution to the development of trade and the economy; etc. Chapters include: 'The merchant-insurers' system - London marine insurance to the 1570s'; '1570-1688 - buyers and the first intervention; '1688-1720 - the sellers' intervention; 'To 1824 - Lloyd's and the common law', An appendix provides profiles of some London underwriters active, 1690-1717