The Telephone and Telephone Exchanges. Their invention and development






An account of the development of the telephone rather than of the telephone industry but provides much contextual information about the latter. Chapters include: 'The spoken word'; 'Growth of an idea'; 'The undulatory current'; 'The solution to the problem'; 'Development and demonstration'; 'Production of a commercial instrument'; 'Application to commercial uses'; 'The telephone exchange'; 'The battery or variable resistance transmitter'; 'The microphone'; 'Philip Reis and his work'; Call bells'; 'The telephone switchboard'; 'Organisation of the industry in the United States'; 'Competition, consolidation and development'; 'Introduction of the telephone in Europe and abroad'; 'Public apathy and appreciation'; 'The multiple switchboard'; 'Outside or line construction'; 'The development of dry core cable'; 'Early exchange systems'; 'Telephone engineering on a scientific basis'; 'The branching system'; 'The common battery system'; 'Automatic and semi-automatic switchboards'; 'Long distance service'; 'Instruments'; 'Rates'; 'The economics of the tewlephone'; 'The telephone and governments'. As an appendix provides statistics re telephone services in different countries 1913/14 - numbers etc of phones; earnings; plant investment