Decline of British Economic Power since 1870





Scholarly work. The writer describes the book as 'an interpretative essay, written from the standpoint of an economic historian, which attempts to incorporate the findings of the latest research on the reasons for British economic decline in the last 100 years. ASs such, I hope the book will have a wide appeal, not just to students of economics and recent political and economic history, but also to the general reader who wishes both to understand the nature of the so-called 'British disease' and to assess the respective merits of the solutions currently being advocated for reversing the process of industrial decline'. Chapters include: 'The British economy, 1870-1913 - the descent from hegemony'; 'The British economy in the 1920s - growth and stagnation'; 'The British economy in the 1930s - recovery on the dole'; 'The Second World War and its aftermath - the bankrupt state'; 'The British economy since 1951 - the political economy of failure'