'Huguenots and the English financial revolution' in P Higonnet, D S Landes & H Rosovsky (eds), Favorites of Fortune. Technology, Growth and Economic Development Since the Industrial Revolution


  • Name Faith & ethnicity
  • Name Transfer of technology, processes, management techniques, etc
  • Name Capital and money markets, etc





Deals with 'the part played by minorities - especially religious ones, in economic development. When and why do such minorities matter for economic change and progress?'. In particular considers this through the impact of Huguenots in England's financial revolution in the late 17th and early 18th centuries - 'a major question will be whether the influx of refugees had a snowball effect and started a cumulative process, or whether it was a one time only boon, with merely limited impact'. Includes much about the contribution of Huguenots to the Bank of England as directors, capital providers, etc. Excludes from this study the significant contribution of the Huguenots to England's industrial base