Growth of Occupational Welfare in Britain. Evolution and harmonization of modern personnel practice


  • Name Worker / employee welfare inc working conditions, compensation, etc





Scholarly work. Describes and explains the growth of welfare provision, notably in industry, this including issues such as sick pay, pensions, holiday pay, canteen, hours of work, etc. Covers the period to 1939-45 but the strong focus is post 1945. Refers to case studies, eg ICI, electricity supply industry, Nissan, and considers the decline in distinction between salaried and manual staff. Structured in four parts: 1] 'Early developments - change in the late eighteenth and nineteenth centuries': 'The context of change - the problem of labour management and the role of occupational welfare'; 'Occupational welfare for manual workers - holidays, sick pay and pensions'; 'Occupational welfare for non manual employees'; 'Some implications for recipients - wageworkers' reactions'; 2] 'The first half of the twentieth century': 'The context of change'; 'Piecemeal change - progress for manual and non manual employees'; 'Workers' reactions'; 'Staff grade for manual workers - innovation at ICI'; 3] 'Developments in the period of high employment - the 1950s and 1960s': 'The context of change'; 'Piecemeal growth'; 'Staff status - British companies'; 'Single status - American companies in Britain'; 4] 'Developments in the period of economic uncertainty and the Recession. The 1970s and 1980s': 'The context of change'; 'Piecemeal growth'; 'Staff status and harmonisation - British companies'; 'Single statue - the Japanese in Britain'