Leases for Lives. Life contingent contracts and the emergence of actuarial science in eighteenth century England






Deals with the 'disconnect between the rise of English life insurance companies in the early eighteenth century and the mathematics behind the sound pricing of life insurance products', the latter being associated with 'the fair valuation of life contingent contracts related to property' rather than the insurance of lives [thereby resulting in the inviability of early life insurance businesses]. Chapters include: 'Mathematics and property in the seventeenth century'; 'Edmond Halley's life table'; 'Halley's impact or lack of it'; 'De Moivre and his early influence'; 'Mathematicians as consultants'; 'Mathematicians and early life insurance companies'; 'The annuity bubble of the 1760s and 70s'; 'The after shocks of the bubble on life annuities'; 'Developments in the life insurance industry in the later eighteenth century'; 'A return to roots'