Women Workers and the Sweated Trades. The origins of minimum wage legislation


  • Name Worker / employee & work, women alone
  • Name Worker / employee wages & remuneration
  • Name Legislation & regulation exc h&s & competition policy
  • Name Production of goods & services - methods & organisation





Based on the writer's doctoral thesis 'The 'sweated' Trades, Women Workers and the Trade Boards Act of 1909. An exercise in social control', London School of Economics, 1982. Deals with social policy / response of the state and resulting legislation leading to the 1909 introduction of the minimum wage in certain trades providing at the same time a detailed analysis of industrial production in the sweated trades via sweated labour. Chapters include: 'The sweated trades'; 'The tailoring trade'; 'Women's work and wages'; 'Trade unions and sweated labour'; 'Women's organisations and sweated labour'; 'Employers and sweated labour'; 'The political response, 1890-1906'; 'The Trade Boards Act, 1909'; 'Conclusion - the Trade Boards Act - an exercise in social control?'