Giant with Feet of Clay. The British Steel Industry, 1945-1981


  • Name Public ownership & control inc nationalisation, municipalisation & privatisation
  • Name Business/Industry failure, decline, lack of success, etc: decline of industries





Written by the Head of Research at the Centre for Policy Studies who hold the copyright. An analytical account of the British steel industry, 1957-76, and of the nationalised entity, British Steel Corp, 1967-81, dealing in both cases with performance, profitability, investment, production, exports, finances, capacity, etc, etc. A Tory polemic. 'This study does not seek to draw any overall conclusions. It has presented the record of the BSC, which is one of industrial progress delayed and diverted, partly by political interference but also by the sluggishness and inflexibility which is seemingly inseparable from such a monolithic giant; a progress involving vast and ever-increasing sums of public money'