Politics of Consumer Credit in the UK, 1938-1992


  • Name Consumption, consumerism & associated ethics
  • Name Comparative international studies





Wide ranging account dealing with the consumer credit market from the 1930s, the various forms of consumer credit', political reactions to the growth of consumer credit, 'the 'related rise of the property owning democracy'; comparisons with the experience of the USA and Europe. Has chapters: 'Consumer credit on the eve of affluence'; 'Building a property owning democracy, 1945-70'; 'A Sisyphean task - credit controls and consumer protection, 1957-64'; 'Crisis and credit control, 1964-71'; ''A supreme example of Whitehall 'tinkering' - the resumption of consumer credit controls, 1971-79'; 'A nation of mortgagors, 1970-89'; 'Truth in lending? Consumer credit and social policy after Crowther'; ''Too much of a good thing' - the liberalization of consumer credit'