John Pearce and the Rise of the Mass Food Market in London, 1870–1930


  • Name Marketing inc brand & product development, distribution, etc
  • Name Consumption, consumerism & associated ethics
  • Name Entrepreneurship inc cultural influences, opportunity, etc





Deals with the entrepreneur John Pearce and his development of a pioneering mass catering business in London serving the working and middle classes. Considers the context within which mass [temperance] catering developed including marketing, mass market, etc; competitors such as J Lyons & Co Ltd, Aerated Bread Co Ltd and Express Dairies Co Ltd, Lockarts, Slaters, Ye Mecca, etc; entrepreneurs such as Ronald McDougall and Robert Lockhart and entrepreneurial behaviour; Chapters include: 'Pubs without beer'; 'From philanthropy to profits in London'; 'From penny capitalist to server of the multitudes'; 'Advent of the mass market'; 'Catering crisis in Edwardian England'; 'Collapse of the British Tea Table Co'; 'Starting over'; 'Into the war and beyond'