Combines and Trusts in the Electrical Industry. The position in Europe in 1927


  • Name Competition, collusion, monopoly & cartels inc competition policy & regulation





Presents the results of an investigation 'undertaken primarily with a view to discovering the real facts of the international competitive situation, to unravelling the system of international affiliations and associations, both in electrical manufacture and power finance, which have charaterised the postwar period... The survey shows quite clearly that, compared with Germany, France, Belgium, Switzerland, Austria and Sweden, Britain still has a long way to go in the formation of 'rings' and 'combines'. Has sections: 'The significance of price stabilisation and co-operation in production'; 'The Electrical manufacturing industry' - general position / Germany / France / Belgium / Switzerland / Italy, Austria & Sweden; 'Power finance corporations' - definition and growth / Germany / France / Belgium / Switzerland; 'Industrial banks' - industrial and banking policy / Germany / France / Belgium / Switzerland; 'Conclusions - the movement towards international trusts'. Has substantial statistical tables and appendices in which evidence in presented but lacking data regarding the British position