Evolution of the British Economy. Anglo-Scottish trade and political union, an inter-regional perspective, 1580-1750


  • Name Regional & locational issues
  • Name Geopolitical event, natural disaster, etc, impact on business inc end of empire, war, disease, catastrophe, etc, exc industrial conflict
  • Name Taxation inc customs, excise, stamp duties, etc: imposition & impact
  • Name Internal trade




Examines the nature and extent of Anglo-Scottish trade, assessing whether the Unions of 1603, 1654 and 1707 had a tangible impact upon Anglo-Scottish coastal and cross-border trade between north-eastern England and southern and eastern Scotland. Considers how industrial similarity between the two regions affected the trade between them and their wider networks of domestic and overseas commerce. Inter alia comments on the usefulness of port books and on influence of customs system on commerce