Art in Advertising. A study of British and American pictorial publicity


  • Name Advertising media





Deals with practical issues involved in the creation and application of artwork for advertising, in particular covering the roles and work of the different sectors of the advertising industry, viz: 'I have tried to hold the balance fairly between the interests of the artist and the businessman. I have endeavoured to show how they can be bought into friendlier relationship and how they can co-operate with the greatest mutual advantage. I have discussed the function of the artist, advertiser, advertising agent, printer and commercial studio, and illustrated some outstanding achievements by all these important workers in the field of advertising. I have tried to suggest to the present advertiser how he can improve his work and to indicate to the would be advertise the help which is available for him'. Includes sections on: Art and the businessman'; 'Art of the printer' [pp53-85]; 'Advertising agent and his work' [pp86-170]; 'Commercial studios and their work' [pp171-94]; 'Art agent and his work' [pp195-220]' 'Notable advertising campaigns' [pp306-92]; 'Retail store advertising' [pp393-418]. Under each heading provides a profile of the leading businesses involved, viz: Art and the printer: Baynard Press; H W Caslon & Co Ltd; Curwen Press; Herbert Fitch & Co Ltd; Lanston Monotype Corp Ltd; Pelican Press; P M Shanks & Sons Ltd; Spottiswoode, Ballantine & Co Ltd; Stephenson, Blake & Co Ltd; Westminster Press. Advertising agent and his work: Advertising & Publicity Ltd; T B Browne Ltd; W S Crawford Ltd; Paul E Derrick Advertising Agency Ltd; Gilbert Advertising Ltd; John Haddon & Co; Heritage Peters Advertising Services Ltd; Charles F Higham Ltd; Charles W Hobson; Laurance Holman Advertising Service; Hudson & Morrison; London Press Exchange Ltd; Lord & Thomas Ltd; Muller, Batchly & Co Ltd; Nash & Alexander Ltd; Osborne, Peacock Co Ltd; Saward, Baker & Co Ltd; Stephens Advertising Services Ltd; Stuart Advertising Agency; C Vernon & Sons Ltd. Commercial studios and their work: Carlton Studio; Norfolk Studio; Publicity Arts Art agent and his work: Francis & Mills; R P Gossop; A E Johnson Rogers & Co Ltd Notable advertising campaigns: Abdulla & Co Ltd; Aquascutum Ltd; British Commercial Gas Association Ltd; British Empire Exhibition; British Petroleum Co Ltd; Connolly Bros Ltd; J C Eno Ltd; Erasmic Co Ltd; Evening Standard; Imperial Tobacco Co of Great Britain Ltd; Kodak Ltd; Lever Bros Ltd; J Lyons & Co Ltd; MacFisheries Ltd; Nobel Industries Ltd; A & F Pears Ltd; Ronul Ltd; Schweppes Ltd; Shell Mex Ltd; Westminster Press Ltd Retail store advertising: Harrods Ltd; Peter Robinson Ltd; John Barker & Co Ltd; Bobby & Co Ltd; Bradleys Ltd; Derry & Toms Ltd; Selfridges & Co Ltd