Taste, Trade and Technology. The development of the international meat industry since 1840


  • Name International investment
  • Name Innovation, diffusion & invention, inc technology & products
  • Name Government intervention exc legislation & regulation
  • Name Consumption, consumerism & associated ethics
  • Name Geopolitical event, natural disaster, etc, impact on business inc end of empire, war, disease, catastrophe, etc, exc industrial conflict
  • Name Health & safety at work inc legislation & regulation





Scholarly work dealing with the development of the international trade in meat and livestock from the 1840s and the contemporary issues confronting the industry at the end of the 20th century. Covers Australia and New Zealand, Argentina and Uruguay, and United States and Canada as supplier countries and Europe, notably Britain, as consumption countries. Considers the nature of international investment in the industry, the role of government, impact of war, impact of food hygiene regulation, etc. Structured in three parts: 1] '1840 to 1914'; 2] '1914 to 1945'; '1945 to the present'. Part 1]: 'New suppliers' - growth of unsatisfied demand / characteristics of new suppliers' / settlers and supplies' / 'agricultural exports' / 'establishment of transport networks' / 'urban development'; 'Technical advance' - 'farm and livestock improvements' / 'improvements in traditional meat preservation'/ 'canning and meat extracts' / 'refrigeration' / 'transport of livestock by sea'; 'Capital and markets' - 'sources of investment before refrigeration' / 'sources of investment after refrigeration'n / 'business methods and organisation' / 'European reactions to imported meat and livestock'; Part 2]: 'War and depression' - wartime supplies / wartime demand' / 'interwar depression'; 'Production and output' - farm and livestock improvements' / 'Argentina' / 'Uruguay' / Australia and New Zealand' / 'Fortunes of the multinationals'; 'Government and business' - 'the trust threat' / 'international trade' / 'assistance for farmers'; Part 3: 'Shortages and plenty' - 'scarcity and rationing, 1945-55' / 'prosperity and growth, 1955-99' / 'Fluctuations in the international meat trade'; 'Tastes and incomes' - 'meat substitutes - vegetarianism' / 'meat substitutes - simulated meats' / 'changes in the tastes for red meats' / 'increased popularity of poultry meat' / 'changes in the industry's structure'; 'Governments and questions of welfare' - 'animal health' / 'Foot and Mouth disease in Europe' / 'Foot and Mouth disease in the Americas' / 'international attempts at animal disease control' / 'BSE and the transfer of livestock disease to humans' / 'international livestock trade' / 'livestock exports from Australia and New Zealand' / 'European livestock trade'