Industrial Revolution in Coventry


  • Name Production of goods & services - methods & organisation
  • Name Workers / employee & work, women & men
  • Name Worker / employee welfare inc working conditions, compensation, etc
  • Name Buildings: building types





Scholarly work. Provides an account of Coventry in the 19th century, notably its ribbon industry and its workers, drawing extensively on the various writings of George Elliot; Charles Bray, a ribbon manufacturer and philosopher; Joseph Gutteridge, a ribbon weaver; and William Andrews, successful ribbon manufacturer and diarist. Focuses on the structure of the industry; methods of production; the workers and their conditions; the buildings in which the industry was conducted; etc. Has chapters: 'Four of the people of Coventry'; 'The city and its politics'; 'The organisation of the ribbon trade in the 1830s'; 'The wages and standards of living of the different classes of ribbon weavers'; 'The transformation of the ribbon trade in the 1840s and 1850s'; 'The cottage factory'; 'The struggle between the cottage factory and the factory and the disaster of 1860'