Early Computer Industry. Limitations of scale and scope


  • Name Business/Industry failure, decline, lack of success, etc: decline of industries
  • Name Comparative international studies
  • Name Government intervention exc legislation & regulation





See the writer's doctoral thesis 'Entry of Established Electronics Firms into the Early Computer Industry in the UK and USA', LSE, 1993. Deals with the early computer industry and exploring via USA and British case studies why large scale electronics businesses failed to succeed in the industry while IBM did. Chapters include: 'Historiography'; 'Scope, scale, concentric diversification and the black box'; 'RCA and the electronic data processing business'; 'General Electric and the commercial data processing market'; 'Ferranti Co'; 'Electrical and Musical Industries - computing on a shoestring'; 'English Electric - a failure of strategy'; 'Strategies and organisations of IBM and ICT; 'The nimble survivors - Sperry Rand, NCK, Burroughs, CDC and Honeywell. Uses English Electric, Ferranti and EMI as British case studies