Public and Private Enterprise in Europe. Energy, telecommunications and transport, 1830-1990


  • Name Public ownership & control inc nationalisation, municipalisation & privatisation
  • Name Comparative international studies


  • France
  • Germany
  • Italy
  • Spain




Provides a cross border analysis of European infrastructure industries - energy, telecommunications and transport - in terms of their public / private ownership and regulation, from the early 19th century and, notably, the emergence of railways, focusing on the patterns of regulation and ownership that emerged in different countries in different contexts. Deals notably with Britain, France, Germany, Italy, Spain and Scandinavian countries. Structured in five parts: Part 1] 'Introduction'; Part 2] 'Construction of the new European infrastructure, c1830-1914' - 'Infrastucture development and rights of way in the early nineteenth century' / 'Local supply networks, private concessions and municipalisation' / 'Railways and telegraph - economic growth and national unification' / 'Electricity supply, tramways and new regulatory regimes, c1870-1914'; Part 3] 'Nations and networks, c1914-45' - 'Infrastructure development from the nineteenth to the twentieth century - an overall perspective' / 'Development of telecommunications' / 'Network integration in electricity supply - successes and failures' / 'Railway finance and road-rail competition', Part 4] 'State enterprise, c1945-1990' - 'The new state - economic organisation and planning' / 'Coal, oil and security' / 'Airline regulation and the transport revolution' / 'Telecommunications 1950-90 - from calm to storm' / 'Economic policy, financial accountability and productivity growth'; Part 5] ' Conclusion - the road to regulation and privatisation?'