British Broadcasting. A study in monopoly


  • Name Public ownership & control inc nationalisation, municipalisation & privatisation
  • Name Competition, collusion, monopoly & cartels inc competition policy & regulation





Explores the history of broadcasting and analyses why in Britain it came into state ownership and came to operate as a state monopoly and the impact of this on public choice: 'In this book I set out to answer the following questions - 1] How is it that broadcasting in Great Britain came to be organised on a monopolistic basis?; 2] 'What has been the effect of monopoly on the development of, and policy towards, competitive services such as wire broadcasting and foreign commercial broadcasting intended for listeners in Great Britain?'; 3] 'What are the views which have been held on the monopoly of broadcasting in Great Britain?'. Structured in three parts: 1] 'The origins'; 2] 'Competitive services'; 3] 'Public discussion': Part 1] 'The origin of monopoly'; 'The Sykes Committee'; 'Formation of the Corporation'; Part 2] 'Wire broadcasting'; 'Foreign commercial broadcasting'; Part 3] 'Public discussion of the monopoly, 1926-1936'; 'Public discussion of the monopoly, 1937-1947'; 'Commentary'. Deals extensively with the BBC and the Post Office [as controller of wireless telephony in Britain from the 1920s]