England and the Baltic in the Elizabethan Era






Scholarly work. First published in the Polish language in 1967. Deals with England's trade with the Baltic area in two parts: 1] the elimination of the Hanse as a limiting factor on trade with the Baltic and, most notably, the formation of the Eastland Co in 1579; 2] analysis of England's Baltic trade in second half of 16th century, its organisation, and English navigation in the Baltic. Chapters include; 'Early trading relations between England and the Baltic to the middle of the sixteenth century'; 'The Muscovy Co and the Narva route in England's Baltic trade'; 'The commercial and political preconditions for the foundation of the Eastland Co'; 'Social factors in the genesis of the Eastland Co'; 'Organisation of the Eastland Co in the Elizabethan era'; 'English Baltic shipping and the role of foreign middlemen'; 'England's exports to the Baltic'; 'England's imports from the Baltic'; 'Problems of England's balance of trade with the Baltic'; 'Organization of England's Baltic trade'. Much about merchants Thomas Allen, William Cockayne, Eastland Co, Muscovy Co