Breakdown of Austin Rover. A case study in the failure of business strategy and industrial policy


  • Name Business/Industry failure, decline, lack of success, etc: decline of businesses





Deals with the Austin Rover Group, the volume car production division of BL Plc, in the period of BL's leadership / business strategy of (Sir) Michael Edwards, 1977-82. Here defines the strategy, assesses its success / failure, and the reasons for the outcome. Deals with 'enterprise calculation and miscalculation' and not with 'individual managers as heroes and villains'. Based on published information sources. Has chapters: 'The truth about Austin Rover'; 'The labour problem?'; 'Investment strategy' - 'Investment in new technology - the justification' / 'The new technology - possibilities and limitations' / 'Flexibility or what?'; 'Market-led failure'; 'No end of a lesson - what is to be done?' Appendices contain extensive financial analysis of the business