English Ordnance Office, 1585-1625. A case study in bureaucracy


  • Name Government procurement





'Examines the procedures and tensions involved in the procurement, maintenance and supply of weapons and munitions to the English armies from 1585 to 1625 - and their political implications' within the context of the operation of the English Ordnance Office. Includes much about suppliers of ordnance, gunpowder, handguns, etc. Chapters include: 'The Ordnance Office - officers, artificers, management and finances'; 'Administrative tensions, corruption and reform'; 'Ordnance supplies and suppliers - the great ordnance'; 'Gunpowder and saltpetre'; 'Handguns, 'habilliments of war' and the arms merchants'; 'The wider ordnance establishment'. Extensive appendices several dealing with suppliers