History of Research in the Nobel Division of ICI


  • Name Research & development inc operational research





Deals with the research activity initiated by Alfred Nobel himself from the 1860s and carried forward by a research laboratory at the Ardeer Works, formed in 1873. Arranged in four parts: 1] 'The work and influence of Alfred Mond'; 2] 'The period of construction, 1909-19 - facilities, university research scheme, centralisation of research; 3] 'The period of expansion, 1919-35' - developments in blasting and propellant explosives, cellulose and its derivatives, plastics and resins work, inorganic acids and salts, biochemical work; ''The modern period, 1936-48. Written by a member of the Laboratory. Includes a schedule of papers published, 1946-52. Deals primarily with research output but to an extent places the research function within the wider context of the Nobel and, later, ICI organisations but does not deal with the commercial context