Diamonds and Coral. Anglo Dutch Jews and eighteenth century trade


  • Name Faith & ethnicity





Scholarly work based on doctoral thesis. In three parts: 1] provides a general survey of the merchanting activities of English Jews much based on Exchequer cases; 2] deals with the trade of English Jews in one commodity, uncut diamonds at a time when London was the chief European centre of the diamond trade; 3] explores the business of a particular leading Jewish merchant house, Prager Brothers and Israel Levin Salomons, of London and Amsterdam, in the period 1762-95, using its archives. The chapters are 1] 'General survey' - 'Spanish and Portuguese Atlantic empires' / 'Trade in precious metals and bills of exchange' / 'Trade in the West Indies and North America' / 'The India trade'; 2] 'The diamond and coral trade, 1660-1800' - 'The beginnings' / 'Stabilisation and development' re East India Co policy re diamonds and the coral trade / 'Competition from Brazilian diamonds, 1730-40' / 'The diamond and coral trade at its zenith, 1700-70'; 'The collapse of the Anglo India diamond trade, 1765-93; 3] 'The house of Prager Brothers (Levi Salonons) and the Anglo Dutch trade, 1760-96' / 'The firm and its business' / 'The firm in the Anglo Dutch trade' / 'The Jewish framework'