Growth and Survival of Multinationals in the Global Alcoholic Beverage Industry


  • Name Multinational cos exc free standing & general trading cos
  • Name Marketing inc brand & product development, distribution, etc
  • Name Corporate governance
  • Name Comparative international studies
  • Name Acquisition, takeover, merger, etc, activity exc competition issues





Provides an historical, international and comparative analysis of world leading alcoholic beverage businesses from the 1960s in a period of 'profound' concentration and internationalisation through merger and acquisition. Analyses the industry at three levels - country, industry and firm - but notably the latter and in particular focusing on marketing knowledge, brands, distribution and corporate governance systems. Sections include: 'Growth and survival'; 'Mergers and acquisitions'; 'Distribution networks'; 'Related and unrelated diversification'; 'Corporate governance'; 'The life of brands'