Decline of Jute. Managing industrial change


  • Name Government intervention exc legislation & regulation
  • Name Business/Industry failure, decline, lack of success, etc: decline of industries





Analyses the process of industrial decline and the response to it of industry and government using as a case study the jute industry at Dundee. The elements studied are: 'understanding the sources of decline and the approach of employers, government and workers to that decline and the interaction of these three agents; the close linking of a specific industry's trajectory to its local economy; and the assessment of how far decline was managed successfully, judged primarily by the consequences for that local economy'. The study is weighted to the post 1940 period and has sections: 'Story up to 1939'; 'Deglobalization and decline, 1939-99' dealing with the industry to its end in 1999; 'The industry and its workforce' - labour's response to decline; 'Defending the domestic industry'; 'Firms' responses to the decline of the industry'; 'Influencing government' - the industry's attempts to influence government in its support; 'Decline of jute and the economic health of Dundee' - how successfully was decline managed