The Shopkeeper's World, 1830-1914


  • Name Business & politics inc lobbying
  • Name Competition, collusion, monopoly & cartels inc competition policy & regulation





Scholarly account. Deals with shopkeepers and their values with four themes -1] the significance of their political role locally and in reform movements; 2] their response to competition issues both ideologically and pragmatically, notably to co-operatives, chains, etc, at turn of century; 3] their diversity - large/small, urban/provincial, skilled/unskilled, etc; 4] their varying experiences and responses based on case studies. Organised in three parts: 1] 'Victorian retailing - a changing world' - 'Tradesmen and shopkeepers' / 'Politics of pragmatism' / 'Newcomers and excessive burdens'; 2] 'The fight for survival, 1890-1914' - ''A multiplicity of inconveniences'' / 'Economies and labour problems' / ''Unity is strength'' / 'Political demands - shorter hours and lower rates'; 3] 'Edwardian shopkeepers at work' - ''The passing of the grocer'' / 'Butchers' [pp140-51] / 'Greengrocers - 'the working men'' [pp152-66] / 'Saddlers - the horse's tailor' [pp167-81/ 'Pawnbrokers - the working man's bankers' [pp182-98] / 'The village shop - a department store in miniature'