'Operating on several fronts. The trans-national activities of Royal Dutch/Shell, 1914-1918' in R MacLeod & J A Johnson (eds), Frontline and Factory. Comparative perspectives on the chemical industry at war, 1914-24


  • Name Geopolitical event, natural disaster, etc, impact on business inc end of empire, war, disease, catastrophe, etc, exc industrial conflict
  • Name Multinational cos exc free standing & general trading cos





Deals with the role of Royal Dutch Shell during the 1914-18 war, in the neutral Netherlands, in Germany and in Britain and the associated conflict of interest issues, but focuses mainly on the development of the firm's petrochemical interests from before the war, the further development of these under wartime conditions in the Netherlands to produce explosives and synthetic dyes, and the significance of this to the firm's petrochemical developments post war. Sections include: 'Diversification into petrochemicals'; 'The problem of Borneo oil'; 'The Reisholz nitration plant'; 'Royal Dutch Shell in France and Britain'; 'Royal Dutch Shell and explosives in the Netherlands'; 'Anglo Dutch dyestuffs';