Corporation, Trust and Company. An essay in legal history


  • Name Joint stock company & limited liability structures
  • Name Legislation & regulation exc h&s & competition policy
  • Name Legal issues





Trace the 'mingling of legal ideas and economic purposes' which gave rise to the joint stock company from 16th century. Considers in particular two elements interwoven to make up the popular notion of a joint stock company - the joint stock fund and the incorporated entity - showing that there has been no necessary connection between the two. Has sections: 'Legal form and social function'; 'Borough, guild and company'; 'Capital, partnership and corporate ownership'; 'Monopoly and joint stock'; 'From Coke to Blackstone'; 'Companies in the eighteenth century'; 'Repeal of the Bubble Act'; 'Companies, 1825-36'; 'Foundation of modern company law, winding up, limited liability and consolidation'; 'Joint stock companies limited'