Packmen, Carriers and Packhorse Roads. Trade and communications in North Derbyshire and South Yorkshire


  • Name Internal trade





First published 1980. Scholarly account of the roads but especially of their traffic and means of conveyance. Largely covers 17th and 18th centuries, especially the latter and largely in the pre-turnpike era. It 'studies the system of routes, taking as an example the wild and difficult terrain of Derbyshire and South Yorkshire. The natural geography of the land poses several problems for travellers, commercial and private alike, which are examined in the text and the illustrations'. Chapters include: 'Packhorses and wheeled vehicles'; 'Carriage of minerals and manufactured goods' - lead, coal, iron, lime, textiles, salt, cutlery and allied goods; 'Transport of livestock and farm produce' - drovers and butchers, corn, malt, cheese, 'badgers and swailes', significance re markets and fairs; 'Retail trade' inc hawkers and pedlars, shops; 'Carriers' - part time, London carriers, Sheffield carriers in 1787, inns and alehouses