Jewish Immigrant Entrepreneurship in New York and London, 1880-1914. Enterprise and culture


  • Name Faith & ethnicity
  • Name Entrepreneurs & business elites
  • Name Comparative international studies
  • Name Entrepreneurship inc cultural influences, opportunity, etc


  • United States




Scholarly account by an author who writes that 'the main purpose of this book has been to discover whether the British culture c1914 was in anyway anti entrepreneurial'. Uses a control population - two groups with a common culture in two different locations - 'to test for the common effects of assimilating British and American cultural values'. Arranged in three parts, viz: Part 1. A. 'Enterprise and culture': - 'economics of culture'; 'the late Victorian entrepreneur in British culture - the state of the debate'; the market for entrepreneurship'; 'testing for an entrepreneurial culture'; 'Jewish immigrants as a control population in late 19th century UK and USA'; Part 2. B. 'Jewish immigrants in New York and London, 1880-1914': - 'Jewish history of East European Jewish mass migration'; C. 'Statistics of Anglo Jewry and the synagogue marriage records, 1880-1914'; D. 'Jewish immigrant entrepreneurship in London and New York'; E. 'Jewish mass migration and the choice of destination'; F. 'Entrepreneurship and profits in the Jewish immigrant economies of London and New York': - 'costs of entry'; 'Jewish economies of London and New York'; 'development of the American and London clothing industries'; 'Jewish clothing industries of New York and London'; 'profits in the New York and London Jewish clothing industries'; G. 'Cultural assimilation among Jewish immigrants in London and New York': - 'Jewish immigrant journeymen in London '; 'cultural assimilation among Jewish immigrant journeymen'; 'occupation and assimilation'; Part 3. 'Entrepreneurship and culture in Britain': H. 'Entrepreneurship, culture and British 'declinism': - 'working class craft culture in England'; 'Jewish assimilation and Jewish history'; 'culture in economics'; 'British culture and 'declinism''; ''Declinism' and the British motor car industry' . See the writer's doctoral thesis, 'Enterprise and Culture. Jewish immigrants in London and New York, 1880-1914', LSE, 1993; ' 'Cultural determinants of Jewish immigrant entrepreneurship in the UK and USA, 1880-1914' in A Godley & O M Westall (eds), Business History and Business Culture', Palgrave, 2001; 'Jewish immigrant entrepreneurship and British and American enterprise culture, 1880-1914' in M Davids et al (eds), Proceedings of the Conference on Business History', 1995