Industrial Revolutions. Volume 9. The metal fabrication and engineering industries


  • Name Transfer of technology, processes, management techniques, etc
  • Name Production of goods & services - methods & organisation





Collected academic articles and chapters which have come to be regarded as 'classic' contributions to the subject of the development of metal fabrication and mechanical engineering. Most, but not all, deal with the British experience. 25 items plus an introductory essay by the editor. Organised in seven sections, viz: 1] 'Tools and miscellaneous simple metal goods' [7 items]; 2] 'Arms manufacture' [1 item]; 3] 'Clocks and watches' [2 items]; 4] 'Engineering before Watt' [3 items]; 5] 'Engineering in Watt's time and after' [5 items]; 6] 'The transfer of technology' [4 items]; 7] 'The American system of manufacture' [3 items]. Sponsored by Economic History Society