The Financial Revolution in England. A study in the development of public credit, 1688-1756


  • Name Capital and money markets, etc
  • Name Investors & investor behaviour





First published 1967. Seminal work dealing with the emergence from the late 17th century of the system of government borrowing. Structured in five parts: Part 1] 'The financial revolution' / 'The contemporary debate'; Part 2] 'Government long term borrowing' - 'The earliest phase of the National Debt, 1688-1714' / 'Problems of administration and reform, 1693-1719' / 'The South Sea Bubble 1 and 2' / 'Financial relief and reconstruction, 1720-30 1 and 2' / 'The National Debt under Walpole' / 'War and peace, 1739-55'; Part 3] 'The public creditors' - 'Public creditors in England' / 'Public creditors abroad'; Part 4] 'Government short term borrowing' - 'Borrowing by Exchequer tallies' / 'Borrowing by Exchequer bills' / 'Departmental credit' / 'The bonds of monied companies' / 'The ownership of short dated securities'; Part 5] 'The market in securities' - 'The turnover of securities' / 'The rate of interest in theory and practice' / 'The origins of the Stock Exchange'. Appendices