Italian Merchants and Shipping in Southampton, 1270-1600


  • Name Faith & ethnicity


  • Italy




Deals with the then neglected area of Italian merchants in medieval England focusing on their substantial trading and shipping activities at Southampton, the individuals involved, the characteristics of the port's Italian colony, etc. Makes extensive use of Southampton's important brokage books. Comments on the colonies at London and Sandwich. Chapters include: 'The arrival of the Italians'; 'Italians in Southampton, 1350-1460'; 'The commodities of trade'; 'The organization of trade'; 'The Italian colony in Southampton'; 'Social relations with the townsfolk'; 'The anti-alien movement'; 'The English merchant and the Italian trade'; 'The decline of the Italian trade'; 'The Marini of Genoa in Southampton'; 'The decline of Southampton in the sixteenth century'