British Privateering Enterprise in the Eighteenth Century






Scholarly study dealing with the then neglected area of privateering in 18th century. Draws on doctoral thesis. Touches also on military aspects. Structured in three parts: Part 1] 'Character': 'Origins and regulation'; 'Private men of war and 'letters of marque''; 'Risks and rewards'; Part 2] 'Scale': 'Their privateers will be lords and ours will be beggars'; 'To cruise on the Spaniards under His Majesty's Commission'; 'Good pickings for privateers of force'; 'Small ships, vessels of boats, being, or pretending to be, English privateers'; 'Additional forces'; Part 3] 'Significance': 'Constraints and determinants'; 'Private interests inseparable from ... the public interests of the British nation?'; 'The finest opportunity?'. Extensive appendices. Brief coverage of George Shelvocke and Woodes Rogers