The Persuasion Industry


  • Name Advertising
  • Name Ethics





'This is a reporter's book about the way that the industry works in Britain today. It sets out to explain the men behind the advertisements and PR campaigns and the character of the different agencies where they work. It does not pretend to cover every agency or firm ... but even though selective it does seek to put a face to persuasion'. Covers the industry in the late 1950s and early 1960s, its processes, products, their uses, its firm, their leaders, customers, ethics, etc. Arranged in three parts, viz: 1' 'Advertising' [pp13-217]; 2] 'Public relations' [pp223-301; 3] Legal, clean, honest, truthful' [pp305-26]. Includes details of particular firms, especially Hobson Bates & Partners and Patrick Dolan & Associates