The Car Industry. Labour relations and industrial adjustment


  • Name Production of goods & services - methods & organisation
  • Name Worker / employee & industrial relations inc conflict, negotiation, demarcation, perogative, etc
  • Name Innovation, diffusion & invention, inc technology & products
  • Name Worker / employee management inc control





Scholarly work by industrial relations scholars. Seeks to identify and explain changes in industrial relations and labour conditions in the car industry in the early 1980s, characterised by the emergence of a 'strong, authoritarian management style' and a waning of traditional 'shop-steward power'. Does this by exploring changes to production processes, work organisation and skills and identifies this period as a watershed across the three main manufacturers - British Leyland, Ford and Vauxhall. Has chapters: 'Management strategy'; 'New technology'; 'Skills, training and internal labour markets'; 'working practices'; 'Strikes'; 'Trade union strategy in the motor industry'