Burroughs Wellcome & Co. Knowledge, trust, profit and the transformation of the British pharmaceutical industry, 1880-1940


  • Name Innovation, diffusion & invention, inc technology & products
  • Name Research & development inc operational research
  • Name Marketing inc brand & product development, distribution, etc
  • Name Advertising
  • Name Partnership structures





Scholarly business history commissioned by the Wellcome Trust written by an economic historian and a medical historian in two parts: 1] 1878-1914 and 2] 1914-1940. The former has the following sections: 'From trading to manufacturing ..., 1878-1888'; 'Americanisation of the British drug trade. Product innovation and 'creating a demand'; ''Quality for profit' through 'science and industry'; management and organisation, labour policies and finance'; ''Friend and brother' in dysfunctional partnership. Burroughs versus Wellcome'; ''The new crusade'. Burroughs Wellcome versus the retail trade'; 'Creating products. Producing knowledge and gaining respect. Research laboratories, 1894-1914'; 'Products and prestige. Sera and vaccines before the First World War'; 'In search of overseas markets. Agencies, depots, branches and multinational enterprise'. Part 2 has the following sections: 'Impact of war. Innovation and transformation from laboratory research to factory production'; 'Policy formation. research and development'; 'Academic reputation counters commercial stigma. Sera and vaccines, 1918-1940'; 'Competition and product development between the wars. Tabloids, Kepler and other 'general goods''; 'Wellcome's American agenda. Tariffs, war and the transition to manufacturing in the New York branch'; 'A failing business? The nature and origins of decline'; 'Themes and perspectives. BW&Co, the pharmaceutical industry and medical research'; 'Wellcome's influence on pharmaceutical and medical research in Britain'