Sea Coal for London. History of coal factors in the London market


  • Name Competition, collusion, monopoly & cartels inc competition policy & regulation





Detailed and informative history of the London sea borne coal trade and, intertwined with it, a history of the Coal Factors' Society. Primary source based. Provides much on the evolution of the organisation and mechanisms of the trade, competition issues, coal industry in the North East, coastal shipping. Chapters include: 'From timber to coal'; 'Hostmen of Newcastle'; 'London market from 1550-1770'; 'Lightermen'; 'Crimp or broker'; 'From crimp to factor'; 'The coal market and the Coal Exchange'; 'Factor and client'; 'Factor's bill'; 'Factor and the market, 1800'; 'Interlude, 1800-43'; 'The market in 1830'; 'The Society of Coal Factors, 1832-44'; 'Meters and the turn system', 1800-34 and 1834-45; 'Limitation of the vend' to 1836, 1836-45; Coal market, 1845-75'; ''Coal Factors' Society, 1845 and after'; 'Coal whippers, 1834-1900'; 'Tilbury signal station, 1865-1955'; 'Sea borne and rail borne trade, 1875-1915'; 'Sea borne, 1915-55'