Davidson Newman & Co


  • Distribution - wholesaling, broking, market trading, etc Sugar & molasses distribution
  • Merchanting & trade, international & inland Sugar trading & trade
  • Merchanting & trade, international & inland Tea & coffee trading & trade


Believed to trace origins to 1650. By 1736 known as Thomas Rawlinson, grocers in City of London, Thomas having inherited the business of Walter Ray, d1737. By 1753 known as Rawlinson & Davidson, leading dealers in provisions, especially sugar, coffee, tea, chocolate, etc. 1764 restyled Rawlinson, Davidson & Newman and Davidson, Newman & Co in c1769. Believed to have shipped some of the tea involved in the Boston Tea Party. By late 18th century owned sugar plantation in West Indies. In 1799 owned by William Thwaytes, subsequently by William Tapply. Sold by him in 1910 to West Indian Produce Association Ltd but continued as an identifiable unit
