Tate family


  • Mechanical engineering Paper production & paper packaging machinery production
  • Merchanting & trade, international & inland Raw wool trading & trade
  • Merchanting & trade, international & inland Woollen textiles trading & trade


Tate family were important mercers and merchants in the wool trade of Coventry and London in the 15th and early 16th centuries. May also have dealt in woollen cloth but to a much lesser extent. Held high office in the Calais Staple, Corporation of London and Worshipful Company of Mercers. John Tate was a significant merchant at Coventry by early 15th century. His son, John Tate, d1479, came to London and was Lord Mayor, 1473-74. Another son, Thomas, remained in Coventry to operate business there. Thomas's sons, Robert and (Sir) John, also came to London and were Lord Mayor, 1488-9 and 1496-7 respectively. A son of John Tate, d1479, also known as John, d1508, was a very early and noted papermaker at Sele, Hertford, by 1498 [2023]
